Thursday, September 1, 2011

Buskerfest 2011

So it was a street photograpgers Shangri la with Buskerfest in town. A comment on this and many of the other street festivals is that they are getting just too busy. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get shots without the distractions. Saying that, thank god for 2.8 lens.


This performer, from Australia, was one of my favorites. I was lucky enough to find space up on the ledge of the park and the green tree in the background was great for isolating him.

I just missed the speed on the falling cucumber piece. Still loved the spray

One of the things I really like to focus on is the little details. Street chalk artists are perfect subjects for me. The gritty nature of the picture they are drawing, the dirty hands...Perfect

Get closer.....

And closer still.......

When you are in close, you start to see the work involved in creating the character the actor is presenting.

And as I have learned, look behind you for some of your best subjects.

Peter Frampton lives in Toronto?


This performer was just waiting for the time to go on stage. I just like the simplicity of the photo.

Pierre St. Pierre..... The creepy mime

The kids are the best subjects for their intensity and facial expressions.

Back to getting some more detail. Show the story and then focus on one aspect

Some people are just sooooo cool. I would love to see what kind of photo she takes.

The end of the night was the best part. I really wanted to try night photography with the 2.8 to just see if the lens would perform. Here our subjects are the "Chairmen"

Not bad. ISO 640, a little grainy but not bad.


Well, I would really love to hear how you feel about these shots. Shoot me an email any time at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just had a look through your Buskerfest shots & passed the laptop over to Bonnie for her to have a look too. Boy, you sure did a excellent job capturing some great moments.

Leif & Bonnie