Monday, September 5, 2011

In The Field

As I am not the best nature photographer in the world I thought I would try my hand at the insect world. Out my backyard, we are fortunate enought to back onto a hydro belt. The golden rod was in full bloom and the activity was intense. There were several fights for necter and pollen between the many bees, wasps and other stinging flyers.

Probably my favorite shot of the hour or so that I was fiddling with my 70-200 2.8 lens.

This one is quite nice as well. You can see with the 16 mg. of the camera, you can crop in quite close. The second picture was the original. Which one is better?

Queens Anne Lace is getting ready to close up for another year

One of the scarier members of the pollenating community. Would anyone know if this is a paper wasp?

How about this one?

Just a couple more shots. I must have taken over 300 shots and with the poor light, I could not shoot past 1/500th of a second. So many flying bees were just slightly too soft. Hats off to the awesome nature photographers in the Oshawa Camera. This is hard !

Last question, in close or show more of the environment?

Oh, lots of Mountain Ash inthe area. These berries will attrach Blue Jays, Cardinals and Robins in the spring.

Love to hear your comments. Please feel free to leave me an email at

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