Saturday, August 20, 2011

Travelling around Newcastle

So I got bored and decided to trip around the back roads of Newcastle. Here the sun is coming up on Hwy. 57

Just a farm but I thought the lines were interesting

A scene from the pioneer movie lot (thanks Brian for the lead)

OOOO.... love old cars!!! 

Still a big farming community..

Really liked the clouds and the cows on the hills

Scratching that itch

More undulating hills....

Stopped at Lintons' farm.. produce was waining but there were still some fresh vegetables available

Onward to more landscapes

Sort of like shots of lonely trees 

Ok, I don't think there are much more photo ops today. I will leave you with the sunset.


Noella said...

Hi Randy,
I particularly like your solitary trees, they're a passion of mine. Also love the sunset!

John said...


What settings did you use for the veggies? I love the detail.