Friday, August 26, 2011

Cherry St.

After weeks of taking early morning landscape photos, our early riser group of Brian, John and myself decided to try our hand at more industrial architecture captures. Our destination was Cherry St. which is located at the foot of the DVP.

This is a shot of what i think is part of the Hearn Generating station (Though I can't verify that). As we were flying by the seat of our pants, not knowing what photo opportunities awaited us, this provided us a very nice surprise.

Rambling down Cherry St. to Unwin ave. we continued on to the end of the street. As a kid, I remember coming down here to watch people fishing for smelts. From what John tells me the smelts were attracted to the warm waters of the Hearn Plant.

Looks like this was a good place to park some Dragon boats

Now back to the big prize, The Cherry Street Strauss Trunnion Bascule Bridge

Brian always reminds us that it is in the leading lines

Whilst taking shots of the bridge, this excellent old boat came our way. Part tug, part Junk boat, it seemed to be ferrying early morning workers home.

With that damn fence in the background, I had to resort to shooting the reflection.

Back to our main subject, I thought the crossing gate looked more like a sentry

The counter weights really help balance this shot. Hopefully you get a real feel for how big and heavy this structure must be. John calls it a "Transformer"

If you view East from the bridge, you will see the salt storage along the channel. With the light so varied (lots of shadows), I resorted to HDR.

If you want more information on the bridge, click on this link...

Well, that's it. I think we came away really enjoying shooting something different. It really is like a treasure hunt. You have to get really lucky to find some good subjects and the light has to be on your side. Today, we were lucky.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Travelling around Newcastle

So I got bored and decided to trip around the back roads of Newcastle. Here the sun is coming up on Hwy. 57

Just a farm but I thought the lines were interesting

A scene from the pioneer movie lot (thanks Brian for the lead)

OOOO.... love old cars!!! 

Still a big farming community..

Really liked the clouds and the cows on the hills

Scratching that itch

More undulating hills....

Stopped at Lintons' farm.. produce was waining but there were still some fresh vegetables available

Onward to more landscapes

Sort of like shots of lonely trees 

Ok, I don't think there are much more photo ops today. I will leave you with the sunset.

Courtice Sunrise

It is always hit and miss when you get up at 5am to try and get the morning light. Brian, John and myself found ourselves quite lucky a couple of sundays ago when we hit the beaches of Courtice.

I loved the colour in the sky that the morning sun provided

I always try to get a low perspective shot. I think it adds to the depth and adds a strong forground leading you through the shot.

In keeping with the concept of all good landscape shots having a stong forground image, these semi submerged rocks provided the perfect actors. Used my 10-20 sigma lens.


After such a fortunate sunrise, we travelled back home by way of Newcastle. Reminds me of the road less travelled.