Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fun with InfaRed photography

I want to thank Bharat Mistry so much for the loan of his converted IR camera. So much easier than setting up your shot and then putting an IR filter in front of your lens and then hope like heck it is still in focus cause you can't see out of the thing!

I had taken some shots in Niagara falls to try some landscapes. The results were more than I expected. Beyond how dreamlike the photos look, it is great to be able to take meaningful shots during the strong lighting conditions.

Bed and Breakfast right in Niagara on the Lake. Hummm, how much a night for this?

About half way along the Niagara Parkway you can traipse down to the Niagara river gorge. It is well worth the hike as you will traverse down about 10 stories to what looks like a rain forest. Just remember, what goes down must come up!

For those who have travelled the Niagara Parkway, there are no end to beautiful estates. I felt the IR process made this one look magnificent.

There are also many lookouts. The regular colour version is not near as exciting.

So this past weekend (Sunday June 5) I took off at high noon (again the best light for this type of photography) and shot around Durham

The pond at Enniskillin. Wonderful in the fall as well. Home to lots of frogs, turtles and blasted horsefly's!

Just past the park is this great swap. This picture is definitely an improvement over the normal colour version.

Further along my way to the town of Hampton, I could not resist this clump of trees.

Really wonderful small town of Hampton just east of North Oshawa. This is their cemetery which is located right in town.

Old broken down shack. I love the way the trees dwarf the house.

This house seems abandoned but is on a live farm. Maybe just an unused guess house.

Which one is better? The B&W above or the blue below?

Now to complete my circuit, Lynn Shores conservation. This is the tributary leading to Lake Ontario from Victoria St.

This is the inner pond, home to all sorts of water fowl.

If you walk along the boardwalk, you can just spend some peaceful time with nature. If you are lucky the resident swan will work you over for some lunch!

So there you have it. Converting one of my cameras is definitely on the table. Maybe Bharat will forget that I have his (lol)


Kent said...

Once again Randy, nice work. You've used a technique to add creativity to what would most likely been average snaps.


Bharat said...

I told you IR will open up some different possibilities. Turns the ho-hum into something surreal and pushes up the WOW the factor.

Try some portraits - different skin types gives different effects.

Addictive, isn't it. And Yeah, I want my camera back.

Cheers, B.