Here is John
And Brian. Like myself, this fellow seems to be very interested in what Brian is looking at.
I must thank this fellow for looking at me at just the right time. So much about urban photography is luck.
Much Music was setting up for their big Much Video awards. this shot is ok, but John and Brian got the shot of the day for this location. I will see if I can get it from them and post.
Not very comfortable walking around with something in your shoe!
Lots of great graffiti around. With Rob Fords new anti-graffiti stance, these site will likely become relics soon.
Brian and I discussed how it was too bad that the time of day did not lend itself to a great shot of the fire escape, but like I always say, take the shot, you never know what the Post processing can do for you. Again not an award winner but now is a bit more interesting.
Taking a ride on the rocket.
This young lady was super nice. She manages the clothing store we were walking by and she graciously let us take her picture. Of the 2 treatments, the black and white I think, is better (thanks Brian)
One of the many establishments along Queen.
We took several detours around side streets (you never know whats there. I think this is an interesting shot with a bit of a story behind it.
We entered Kennsington at the South end. I found that these umbrellas with the nice colours in the background made for a nice capture.
Lots of antique"y" things to see and purchase
These 2 pals got comfortable sharing a smoke. Not sure if I like the B&W or the colour better.
Great unique lanterns for sale
This is a shot is one of my favorites of the day. Bob Marley lives!
Of course it is Kensington Market after all
All kinds of great colours
Really had to work to get this shot. I really like the smiling banana in the background
Lots and lots of hats for sale
Looking around, I saw these great (poodle?) skirts for sale. Which one is better, the Glow post processing or the normal?
Every one's favorite portrait, Brian.
I thought that turning the background to B&W would help all of the colours pop here
Cool in glasses
Again, using specific colours seemed to help this shot POP
Lots and lots of shoes for sale
Again, trying to make something a little special, took out all the colour except for the signs
More shots from Chinatown
This scene gave all of us pause. Do we use it? How do we make it respectful? Here I decided that a Juxtaposed viewpoint would work the best.
We were treated to a surprise right outside the Eaton Centre on our way back. This busker (I have seen her/him) before at busker fest. I really like the few shots that I was able to get.
So that's it. A great hour during lunch time. Thanks Brian and John.
What a great story. Excellent shots as well.
I think we'll see alot of Brian (the Urban Cowboy) in a few of our upcoming clinics.
I like your eye's view of urban sites. The B&W background can really bring a subject up front.
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