Monday, November 14, 2011

Kew beach

Oct. 30th.

One of the most iconic sites down by Kew beach is the lifeguard hut at the east end. This is a small series of shots that we tried to tie in the sunrise with the beach with moderate success.

A shot looking to the west. The shadows are quite nice in the black and white shot I find.

This shot lined up nice. Just wish there were a few clouds in the sky.

The dock behind the shack. Nice shadow from the posts.

Not sure if these next ones are good or not. I think so but you decide.

November 12. Better cloud cover to hopefully make for better skies and sunrise.

This shot was taken around 6:30 am. Which is better, Black and White or colour?

Around 7 am.

HDR image. I liked the way the clouds blend into the sky.

Around 7:15. Taken facing west. Again HDR. I quite like this shot 

7:20 am, the sun is just cresting. Just past the trees in the back, back ground is the beginning of the Scarbourgh bluffs. That may be our next venture.

Just for fun, a portrait orientation shot of the life guard shack.

Well, short and sweet. Hope you like them. Send me a comment or email